Berlin Institute of Technology

Berlin Institute of Technology

Berlin Technical University of Berlin (German: Technische Universitaet Berlin, English: Technical University of Berlin, abbreviated as tub, or translated into Berlin University of technology or Berlin University of science and Technology) is one of the four universities in Berlin and the only University of science and Engineering in Berlin. The main building was built in 1884 and designed by Richard lucae. It is located in Charlottenburg District, Berlin, Facing June 17th Street. With more than 27000 students, the university is one of the largest technical universities in Germany (Technische Universitaet or translated into University of science and Technology). About 20% of the students come from abroad, making Berlin Technical University more international than other universities in Germany. Eight Nobel laureates have studied or worked in the University. The school has the departments of philosophy, scientific theory and history of science and technology; Department of literature; Department of history; Department of sociology, political history and education; Department of education; Department of language and communication; Department of vocational education and labor; Women's research center and hair Jewish Research Center, etc.

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