John Denver

John Denver

John Denver John Denver, a famous American musician, country folk singer, actor and writer, was born on December 31, 1943 and died in a plane crash on October 12, 1997. His main achievements are: in 1974, he won the annual album of the Academy of country music award; in 1975, he won the most popular male hip-hop / rock musician award of the American Music Award, as well as the Emmy Award for outstanding variety, music Special comedy award; In 1976, he won the American Music Awards for most popular male hip hop / rock musician, most popular male country musician and most popular country music album; In 1977, he won the Colorado poet laureate award and the American popular election Award; In 1979, he won the "top ten outstanding men in the United States"; In 1982, he won the Carl Sandburg people's poetry Award; 1985, NASA Public Service Medal; Albert Schweitzer Music Award in 1993; In 1996, he entered the composer Hall of fame; Won the Grammy best children's music album in 1997; In 1998, he won the Grammy Hall of fame award.

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