Philadelphia Museum of Art

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Founded in 1876, the Philadelphia Museum of art is located at the intersection of 26th Street in the northwest of Philadelphia and Franklin Park Avenue. It is known as the third largest art museum in the United States. This is an ancient Greek temple building. There are more than 300000 works of art in the museum, of which the French Impressionist Works are the most famous and the largest collection in the United States. There are 20 exhibition rooms in the museum, displaying all kinds of art crystals. It has collected many Chinese cultural relics, such as the caisson of Wanfo Pavilion in Beijing Zhihua temple, which was bought by Americans in the 1930s and collected here. It also collects many Chinese cultural relics, such as the Wanfo Pavilion caisson in Beijing Zhihua temple, which was bought by Americans in the 1930s and collected here.

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